Sprachcaffe Languages Plus CN 2022

7 ⧫⓳抁⸩㫤䥇䷯⃃⯬֑⸩䟢⻉⚅╣庰峃Ⓣ兪勆庘֑勆庘⑈⹼◈ 㖯庰㾘⚍庐㼊Ϗ抜⃭勆庘㧌╬⅑㓔↯庇⇳㍫䥇庰峃叀╞֑幬㍫ 㧌㠋⧳ⅉ岦叀抁⓳䥇䦱㫊↨⚍㔃槃㢹梷Ϗ⛏㢹֑Ⓣ兪勆庘叀ヱ ╬ⅉ岦㍫䥇⸩℣↾╤֑㓓╢⧳抁⓳歇㧢䦱㫊Ϗ ⹡℣庰峃⸩℣䦱㫊㔃槃䥇㢹梷⚙⑶⅑⃭ⅽ叀╞֑ㄷ片↨⚍庰峃 ⪽䬃丌⦣俣Ϗ⃃哯㨨康֑⹏㓓⃃⃭庰峃丌兪䥇⸩℣槃屄兩 ✫ 䥇㢹梷֑™㧌⚲叀Ⓗ䙳⚭槃屄 ✫⻴⚲↨択␨⃎⃃棹㹸⸩℣䥇 ㎈⑸Ϗ䦻␶㠂丙⦣⸩㫤勏㇅Ϗ ␨梫棹㹸 ⸩䟢叀⯢択嬏咭㓔 ↎冐֑䛉岦❏抓䟫 乃☘䥇㢨・䟫庰֑ ㄹ叀⃑↙ⅽ䟫乃☘ 䥇庰峃択嬏⅕╫Ϗ 侁拝庰峃 ⸩䟢ⅉ岦❏㙏㚤 ⯐㨅䥇庰㾘❏庐 㼊֑ㄹ⃗叀庉⓮庰 ㏒⃍䥇⅞冉㉱ケ ㇅֑叀⎒㺐庰勈⃃ 㫺咭䏹⧳≂䟫 ⚲↨⧫䇗幵ώ扬幽 㓙㣲⸩㧲歉⪢≂ 䟫㔃⸩庰峃Ϗ 䑢円㙏㚤 ⸩䟢⚲↨䦷㙨䟫㔃 ⸩庰峃㋠勆Ϗㄹ⃗ ⹡䙳咭䟴嬫抁Ϗ⚲ ↨⹏␫䛉岦㺐庰勈 䥇⺼庠⑈⹼⃗咭⊤ ⧳↨䦻⇿䥇嬫抁㡼 ㇒㕕⚔咭ゴ岅䍼Ϗ 冿⛋忲拝 ⸩䟢叀⯢戾㩁䀄䠈 ⧳❏㺐庰ⅽ⮮咭䟴 Ⅷ䀄֑ㄹ⃗叀咭䏹 ❏䃈㰝⧳嬫抁咭ゴ ⺼⯐㨅㖀弤䥇庠歛 䥇岅䍼❏䧎㾘Ϗ 叀╞⭡桂 ⸩䟢㙏㚤⪽㧯䥇庰 㾘❏庐㼊֑叀䟫・ 䟫䥇嬫抁㡼㇒֑㚒 抳㢨・䟢㿾ώエ∟ώ ⹹ⅽ↨⚍␹↙㢨・ 庠歛Ϗ 㗄冰択㸨 ⸩䟢叀⯢択嬏咭 㓔↎冐֑䛉岦❏抓 䟫乃☘䥇㢨・䟫 庰֑ㄹ叀⃑↙ⅽ䟫 乃☘䥇庰峃択嬏 ⅕╫Ϗ 㓓㈖┐䳎ㅩ ㍫䥇䦱㫊 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beneke University of Hildesheim Germany Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS Learning with all your senses! Many people who would like to learn a language believe – because of their experiences at school – that learning and having fun are mutually exclusive. Some believe, in a sense, that you have to suffer, otherwise you will not get the results that you would like to achieve. They are reminded of what learning grammar and vocabulary was likein the past. Even those experiences reinforce that learning a language inevitably involves a degree of pain and effort. Have your own experiences of learning made you afraid of failure, afraid of the teacher, worried about making mistakes or making a fool of yourself? At Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS you will experience a different way of learning. You will have fun and achieve success without losing sight of your serious goals. You will study in a relaxed way, one which is to learning and communicating without fear of making mistakes, literally like having a discussion in a “caffé linguistico”. And this is where the name of the Sprachcaffe institute, which is a play on words, comes in. ’Sprach’ implies language and communication and ’caffé’ refers to the atmosphere we aim to create in the classroom. Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS only teaches a language in a country in which it is spoken. That makes the country, city, and its people an important part of the concept. Learning with all the senses makes all the difference! As a result of all my visits to Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS schools, I have come to the conclusion that all the above mentioned features and qualities are in evidence. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beneke Professor Jürgen Beneke, PhD, teaches Applied Linguistics at the University of Hildesheim (Germany). His research interests are languages for professional purposes, foreign language didactics and inter-cultural communication. He has been an adviser to many European companies and the Federal Government in Germany. 2 ✫ 4 ✫ 2 ✫ 4 ✫ 6 ✫ 2 ✫ 4 ✫ 6 ✫ ∞✫ 48 ✫ 24 ✫ 12 ✫ 2 ✫ 4 ✫ 6 ✫ 48 ✫ 24 ✫ 12 ✫ 2 ✫ 4 ✫ 6 ✫ 24 ✫ 12 ✫ 2 ✫ 4 ✫ 6 ✫ 12 ✫ $ 榹⪽䬃㽤㧌㓙勈㩄⻔㙨岩 把㔃⸩庰峃Ϗ $ ⓠ兪䳎ㅩ叀⯢≂䟫⪽㧯䥇庰 㾘❏庐㼊廋幽㢨・䟢㿾֑叀䛉岦乃☘ 䥇⊤㌲㗊↧❏㚓䯽Ϗ $ ⓠ⃰兪䳎ㅩ叀⯢⧫⃐⛏㎈ ⑸⃎咭䟴Ⅷ廋ώ⑜⊤Ϗㄹ⃗棈庾乃☘ 䥇㕨Ⓧ㡊䶣Ϗ % ⃰兪䳎ㅩ叀⯢䛉岦⯪⯝模⃖ ⃝㋪㡊䶣↨⚍㡊䶣䥇庰峃冖㩇 % ⃰涛兪䳎ㅩ叀⯢䀄䠈⧳℩⑜֑ 幫幽㢨・庠歛ㄹ悢楒⺼庠Ϗ叀⯢庉⓮ ㄹ抓䟫庰峃䥇冉㉱ケ⓮Ϗ & 涛兪䳎ㅩ庰峃叀╞サ抁⓳咭 䟴Ⅷ䀄䥇䳎ㅩ֑叀⯢模・䀄⓬❏⒉䬱 ⧳嬫抁咭ゴ䥇岅䍼֑∉㧌㢹⇝⧫䔼⹝ 䥇歉⪢函ℒ庐㼊撒Ϗ & ⃖⃝䳎ㅩ㙏㚤ⅉ␫樥庰㾘䪨 庉❏⯪撒庐㼊֑⒣ℑ⚲↨⎒㺐庰勈⃃ 㫺䑢円抓䟫㔃⸩庰峃Ϗ 廁䳎拌㖬 丌兪 ㍫䥇㓓╢ℎ悲