Sprachcaffe Languages Plus TW 2022

50 The impressive school building features a striking combination of stone, brick, terra cotta, iron and copper in the Beaux Arts style with extensive detailing inside and out. 6SUDFKFDԻH 0£ODJD ⨓圀⧫⃃ㅪ♢Ⲏ䥇⹌挗䦪层Ⅱⓨ⭈␪֑㣲⃃㔃⹏⡇䥇 ⸻劕⸻椥Ϗ ⧎楞⸻䟢㺗≎ 㧃⯝⚲⹼俐 ⛐⸻䟢 ⸻䟢⇔㌲⹧ 槵⯬楀⚳ 咭▘⟱彫㴢 ㆽ䶎㡿 LQ 层㸓 39 % 㨴㸓 34 % Ⅱ㿵 14 % 剑㿵 10 % ␹↙ 3 % E : G @ N : @ > L I E N Lx &RVWD GHO 6RO 孮㈥⹼䍽㧃⚚㸤抑䥇䦱䥇⧳ℎ⃃㣲㺎ㅻ 刱䡔䥇֑⦣䍽⧫㸧⧳楫㤅揀叀Ⅾ⚚␈恶䥇楀␌Ϗ A Holiday's Paradise 层䚰䔜嵡 层䚰䔜 SPRACHCAFFE 汯㖌╣