Sprachcaffe Languages Plus U20

Beijing Toronto Vancouver Malta Málaga Nice Barcelona Brighton London n g on Frankfurt Munich M Ni It's nice when everything comes together perfectly right from the start. Each of our schools is staffed year-round with professional language teachers. From elementary to advanced level everyone is welcome: our courses cater for a range of ages, as well as different language levels. We also have a leisure programme which is well organised and extremely diverse. Everyone is encouraged to use their newly learned language throughout! This is why we want you to explore your school's surroundings and all they have to offer. Our schools provide a bridge to the local culture and customs of the region: something we have been successfully doing for 40 years. Leisure and lessons in just the right mixture INTRODUCTION Our schools in Malta are accredited by Feltom. Our school in London Ealing has been accredited by the British Council. Our language programmes in Canada are accredited by Languages Canada and CEC Quality Management in Canada. We are ISO 9001:2000 certified. Our German institution is a member of FDSV. SPRACHCAFFE is a member of ALTO and WYSE. Our schools in Málaga and Madrid are accredited by Instituto Cervantes. Our organisation follows the EN14804 standards of the European Union. FULL MEMBER 3