
在我來到洛杉磯之前,我很擔心洛杉磯的安全問題, 因為每個人都跟我說, 洛杉磯不安全. 但我還是決定來到了洛杉磯.在這裡我看見, 這裡的人十分友善且熱心助人. 特別是我的寄宿家庭實在太棒了! 他們帶我到處遊玩. 比方說, 有一個周末我們一起去露營. 我在之前從來沒有露營過, 所以我對那次的露營也感到非常的性分,也在那裡認識了新朋友, 我們玩得很開心!


Before I came here I was worried about L.A. because everybody told me the same thing, that L.A. is not safe. I decided to come here and I saw that people are so kind and helpful. Also, my host family is awesome. She took me everywhere! For example, one weekend we went camping. I had never been camping. I was so excited and when I went there I met with new friends. We had so much fun!
