
你好, 我是Lauren, 我來自台灣. 我已經在Sprachcaffe學英文學了兩個月了. 如果你想在TOEFL考試拿高分的話, Sprachcaffe的TOEFL準備班對你的考試會非常有棒助的!

Debbie老師, 她非常和藹又有耐心, 她總是細心仔細地解釋學生的問題. 我喜歡Sprachcaffe的小班教學, 因為老師可以非常容易地照顧到班上的每一位學生, 也可以清楚地知道學生的程度和問題.

我也參加了下午個課程. Robert老師的學術寫作課對於想在美國大學念書的學生來說是一種挑戰. 在課堂上,Robert老師運用不同的教材, 像是課本、TED演講影片或是世界新聞. 教室在前面, 老師總是微笑著幫助你解決你的問題; 在辦公室, 老師非常貼心又專業地解決像是學生簽證的問題或是申請大學的事情.

我強力推薦想到加州學英文的學生來Sprachcaffe橘郡學校, 因為這裡會是你最佳的選擇!


Hi, I’m Lauren, I’m from Taiwan. I have been studying in Sprachcaffe for two months, and the TOEFL class is very helpful if you want to get a high score on the test.

Teacher Debbie is really kind and patient, and she always answers student’s questions very clearly and with many details. I like the class size because the teacher can take care of all the students easily and can get to know what is the student’s level and answer any questions.

I also joined the class in the afternoon, Mr. Robert’s academic writing is really challenging for the student who is going to college or university. He uses different kinds of material in the class, for example; the textbook, TED speech video, even the news in the world. At the front desk, Karl always smiles and will help you a lot if you have any questions. In the office, K is very sweet and professional to resolve your student visa issues and helpful in the way to apply to college and university.

I would strongly recommend the student who wants to come to learn English in California; I believe Sprachcaffe Orange County is the best choice for you!
