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Sprachcaffe 世界語言咖啡公司訊息


Sprachcaffe Languages Plus

Gartenstr. 6
60594 Frankfurt

電話: +49 69 6109120
傳真: +49 69 6031395



電話: +886 966 314 280

E-Mail: info.taiwan@sprachcaffe.com

聯絡時間: 星期一 至 星期五 早上9點 至 下午5點

Company directors: Alberto Sarno and Marcello SarnoCo Reg No: C39153VAT Reg No: MT18266631SPRACHCAFFE is a copyrighted trademark of 'Sprachcaffe Reisen GmbH'Liability notice:This website contains links from third party websites (external links). This website is subject to liability for the third parties in question. After adding the links to the website initially, the provider has checked the content of the links and determined that their contents did not break any laws or regulations. No law breaking activities could be found at that time. The provider has no influence over future changes that may occur within the content or management of the websites of these third parties. Placement of external links does not enable to provider to make any ownership claims over the content of websites or platforms that are being linked or referenced. It is not feasible for the provider to continuously check external links without specific advice about the presence of potentially unlawful activities or content on the external links or platforms. We will of course immediately delete all relevant links once we are aware of any unlawful content or actions.

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