我決定來到Sprachcaffe-GEOs卡加利學校是因為我一個朋友建議我來到這裡的. 一開始在這裡時,我對我的英文能力感到不是很有信心, 但是在這裡我的英文能力一步一步地持續進步. 我很高興我能和我朋友跟Sprachcaffe的老師一同學習. 而課程也十分有趣, 我們花了很多時間在練習口說跟聽力. 這樣的練習對我來說很有幫助, 因為聽力跟口說是我的弱點.
我在Sprachcaffe-GEOs卡加利學校一共待了六個月. 在學習的尾聲時,我的英文能力已經達到可工作及學術水平. 我很推薦想要增進英文的大家來到Sprachcaffe-GEOs卡加利學校學英文. 我在這裡有非常好的經驗, 所以我確定你會喜歡上這裡的!
Alberto - 西班牙
I decided to go to GEOS Calgary because one of my friends recommended it to me. When I started my course I was not confident with my English skills but step by step I’m improving. I’m very happy with my classmates and teachers. Also, the classes are funny and we spend a lot of time practising speaking and listening. This is good for me because speaking and listening are my weak points.
I will spend 6 months at GEOS Calgary. I think at the end of my studies I will be ready to use English at work, for my other studies, and in social situations. I would recommend GEOS Calgary to all people who are thinking about improving their English.It’s a great experience and I’m sure you will enjoy it!
Alberto - Spain