Malaga Museums

Museums in Malaga
  • Museum of Fine Arts
  • Museum of the Sea
  • Archaeological Museum
  • Museum of Popular Arts & Customs
  • Ceramic Museum
  • Cathedral Museum
  • Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art
  • Pablo Ruiz Picasso Foundation

Cathedral Museum

Officially called Catedral de la Encarnación, this Cathedral of the Incarnation was built in 1528 and took over two centuries to construct. That is why architecturally speaking, the Cathedral features a series of different styles, ranging from the 16th to the 18th centuries. It has a mainly gothic style, built over what was one a Muslim mosque and it has a Renaissance interior (17th Century) with a Baroque main entrance (18th Century). One of its towers was never finished, which is why in Malaga the locals affectionately call their Cathedral “la manquita” (little one-armed lady). The funds collected to finish the second tower were later sent as aid to earthquake victims in Alabama.

Inside is the Museum, displaying many works of art, mainly religious paintings, sculptures and manuscripts. Particularly beautiful are the many representations of the Virgin as she was envisioned by many different artists.

Opening hours:
Both the Cathedral and the Museum are open on weekdays and Saturdays from 9 am to 6:45 pm.
Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Molina Lario street, unnumbered
Phone 952 22 03 45

For great insight into the religious tradition of Spain, visit the Cathedral Museum in your free time while learning Spanish with our Language Course in Malaga.