Spanish Art and Architecture
Spanish Art and Architecture
- Spanish artists
- Prehistoric Art
- Mozarabic and Romanesque Art
- Gothic Art
- Renaissance Art
- Baroque, Rococo & Neoclassic Art
- 19th and 20th Century Art
Prehistoric Spanish Art
The history of Spanish art dates all the way back to Paleolithic times, around 25.000 to 10,000 B.C., with rock and cave paintings at Pinal, Pena de Candamo, El Pendal, Pasiega, Ribadesella and Altamira.
The Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians and Romans also left their mark, artistically speaking, especially around the time of the Second Punic War, most of which is evident in the many wall paintings mosaics and ruins, such as the Roman aqueduct in Segovia and the amphitheater of Merida.
The Visigoth, which followed after the Romans, were especially skilled craftsmen with metal and they too left architectural remains (especially of churches) as evidence of their existence on the Peninsula.
Until this stage in Spanish history, in the early 8th Century, art and architecture was simply a reflection of the influence imposed by other cultures. There was no typical Spanish style as such, nothing was typically Spanish.
To experience these prehistoric traces of art first had why not take a Spanish Language Course in Spain?