Information about the USA
USA Information
- General information
- Visas for the USA
- Cost of living
- Traveler's Checks and Currency
- Tipping
Before visiting the USA we put together this information guide which should help you get a better idea about the country before visiting.
General Information about the USA
- Official Name: The United States of America
- Land Area: 9.370.000 km²
- Political System: Federal Republic Comprised of 50 States.
- Capital: Washington, D.C. (607.000 inhabitants)
- Population Size: 308 million inhabitants
- Ethnic Groups: European descent (74%), African American (13%), Hispanic (10%), Asian (4%), Native Americans (0,8%)
- Currency: American Dollar
- Languages: English and several secondary languages (mainly Spanish)
- Religion: Protestant (56%), Roman Catholic (28%), Jewish (2%), Muslim (1%)
- Time Zones: GMT - 5H (Standard Eastern), GMT - 6H (Central Standard) GMT - 7H (Mountain Standard), GMT - 8 (Standard Pacific).
- Electricity: 110 V
Information on Visas for the USA
Canadians in order to enter the U.S. need only prove their citizenship. European citizens such as the Belgian, French or Swiss may reside in the United States without a visa for a maximum of 90 days.
Cost of Living
The following is a brief overview on prices in the USA for food and lodging:
- Fast food restaurant: 5-10 US$
- Sit down restaurant: 10-20 US$
- High class restaurant: from 20 US$
- Youth hostel/Motel: 12-25 US$
- Standard accommodation: 25-60 US$
- High class hotel: 60-200 US$
Staying at the various youth hostels or campsites, using the bus and preparing food at home, you can survive at US$ 50 per day. Eating at sit down restaurants and staying in motels, your daily budget will not be greater than US$ 100. If you add on top a car rental, your daily budget could amount to US$ 150 or more.
Traveler's Checks and Currency
If you decide to use checks, it is recommended that you buy in U.S. dollars, because it will avoid various fees, in addition to problems. Restaurants, hotels, as well as most of the establishments will accept them as if it were cash. Most credit cards are accepted.
It is almost mandatory to leave a tip in restaurants and hotels. Typically, leaving 15% for tips in restaurants, taxis, waiters or hairdressers is considered appropriate, provided you are satisfied with the service. Anyways, tips vary according to different states. So we encourage you see the different rates before you travel to your destination.