【イベント】10/26(土) 10/27(日) 留学フェア出展のお知らせ🌍


Privacy Policy

We are very happy that you are interested in our offers and would like to take this chance to inform you about the access, use and processing of your personal data. Why is my data being obtained? The data that you have provided to us will be used for the fulfillment and completion of the requests that you have made with us or on our website. This data is required according to the agreement written in article in the Privacy Policy (Also called 個人情報保護に関する法律 in Japan). The company's attainment of the information is required by the Privacy Policy paragraphs mentioned above. Personal data that you have provided us with will be sent to the relevant offices in other countries if this is required for the completion of your travel contract. Which data do we receive and what happens to this data once we receive it? We process the data which you have provided to us for the purposes of booking and carrying out and completing your order with our company. We will only hold onto personally identifying details such name, surname, street, house number, postal code, city or town, birth date, language, nationality, gender, Email and telephone number and allergies or nutritional preferences if it is required for entering these details into the processes that have been requested. The use of your personal details occurs when you book a trip with us, when you make a request for an offer, when you want to inform yourself about our products via our contact page, when you order a catalogue or when you subscribe to our newsletter. Where will my data be processed? Your data is processed inside of the EU. If permitted by law, the processing of data also takes place within foreign European and non-European locations. It is necessary to transfer the personal data you have provided to us if we are to fulfill a contractual agreement. This personal data will be sent to the relevant offices or institutions, such as airline companies, language schools, guest families, insurance companies, hotel managers or hotel reservation staff. Will my data be given to third parties? If you have decided to book with Sprachcaffe your data will be shared with the necessary service companies, such as airline companies, language schools, guest families, insurance companies, hotel managers or hotel reservation and Sprachcaffe company staff responsible for the required actions. We also give your data to the delivery service company where necessary for the delivery of documents, catalogues and the sending of emails. Your payment details will be given to the relevant payment companies, financial institutions and our payments staff in order to complete purchases with the payment processing company or payment option that you have chosen. For how long will my data be saved? Your data will be stored according to the travel, tax and business laws of the legislation. This occurs in order to comply with demands of third parties if applicable, which will be stated before this process is begun in order to fulfill our informational obligation. What is ‘conversion tracking’ and how is it used? If you have found our website via a display on google, an affiliated advertisement or an Email, google AdWords will save a cookie on your computer. This does not enable anyone to identify who you are.
The information contained within the conversion cookies helps us created statistics with which we can measure our conversion rates. This means that we will be informed about how many users have come onto our page through clicks onto Google advertisements, affiliate advertisements or by clicking a link in an email. It also shows us how many users have become aware of one or more of the offers on our website. In case you do not want to participate in the tracking process, you can always deactivate conversion tracking. This can be done by changing your browser settings so that cookies will be blocked by the relevant domains: Google Adwords: googleadservices.com
Sprachcaffe: sprachcaffe.com Use of Cookies We use cookies for certain offers. These cookies are little files that get saved on your computer. This is how it can be determined whether users utilize the same computer to visit the website more than once. We only use cookies in order to gain information about the use of our online offers and in order to gain statistical insights. The data collected in this way contains no information that would identify you as a person. Personally identifying data that you have provided us with will not be combined in any way.
You also have to option to alter your browser settings so that cookies are not saved in the first place or so that cookies are deleted from your computer by the end of your internet session. Please be aware that you may not be able to use many functions on our website if cookie browser settings have been changed in this way. You can find information about the browser settings here. Further information such as your name, your address, your phone number or your email address will not be known to us unless you voluntarily give us these details. Online service You will have the chance to use our live online service for free. This online service uses cookies that enable us to analyze the use of this website. There will not be a combination of personally identifying data with other data that is gathered about your website use. This option is only applicable if this feature exists on the website that you are using. Policy information of Google This website uses Google Analytics, which is a website analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are files that are saved on your computer. These cookies enable the analysis of the website’s use. The user information that Google generates is usually transferred to Google’s server in the USA, on which it is then saved. In case you have activated the IP anonymization on this website, google will shorten your IP address within the member states of the European Union or in contracted states within the official European economic region. The full IP address will only be transferred to Google’s server in the USA in exceptional cases. If such a case should be at hand the IP address will then be shortened in the USA. Google will use this information when assigned to do so by the website operator. The information will be used in order to evaluate your use of the website, to set up reports about the website activity and to produce information about the use of the website and online services that are connected to the use of the website. The IP address that is shown through Google Analytics will not be compiled with other data from Google. You also have to option to alter your browser settings so that cookies are not saved in the first place or so that cookies are deleted from your computer by the end of your internet session. Please be aware that you may not be able to fully use many functions on our website if cookie browser settings have been changed in this way. We use Google Maps on certain web pages in order to display maps, locations and so that direction planning can be used. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Your IP address will be sent to Google and a cookie will be saves as soon as you visit a web page that has Google Maps embedded on it. You can always inform yourself about Google’s data processing at the following website https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en&gl=en and you can also always object to this. You can always prevent the transferal of your user data that is displayed through the use of cookies as well as website related data (such as your IP address) that is shown through Google. The processing of this data by Google can also be prevented by installing the browser plugin that is contained at the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en Alternatively you can also click this link and thereby prevent Google Analytics from accessing your user data on this website. This will place an opt-out-cookie on your end device. If you delete your cookies you will need to click the link once again. Facebook Plugins We use plugins of the social media site facebook.com on some of our web pages. Facebook.com (“Facebook”) is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. A connection to the Facebook servers will be established if you visit an IWebsite with such a plugin whilst being active within our internet presence. The plugin will then be displayed on the website through this communication with your browser. The Facebook server thereby gets informed about which one of our web pages you have visited. In case you are logged in on Facebook during the time when you visit our website, Facebook will automatically link the information about your activity on our website to your personal Facebook account. If you use the plugin functions that are available on several web pages of ours (such as clicking the “like” buttons or leaving a comment) this information will also be linked directly to your personal Facebook profile, if you are logged in on Facebook at this time. This can be avoided by logging out of Facebook before accessing our website. You can find information about the purpose, extent to which the data is used, further agreements and use of data by Facebook as well as your rights and options to change the settings concerning your privacy at this link: www.facebook.com/policy.php. If you have a Facebook account and do not Facebook to collect information about your use of our website or for Facebook to compile your data use on our website with your personal profile on Facebook, you will need to log out of Facebook and delete cookies that have been placed on your computer before accessing our website. Data use for Email advertisement Data use for Email advertisement without newsletter subscription and your right of objection:
If you provide your email address as part of a purchasing process with us or one of our services, we reserve the right to regularly email you offers and notifications about products that are similar to the one(s) you have previously purchased with us, from within our product range unless you have stated your objection towards receiving such emails from us. You can receive occasional emails about product recommendations, information about offers or our newsletter from us. We send you these emails in order to call your attention upon products that you might be interested in based on your previous questions or bookings with us. Your data will of course be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to any third parties that are not involved with the products or the services of our company.
You are able to unsubscribe from our email advertisements at any time. This can be done by messaging us using the contact details stated below or by clicking on the link in the newsletter which is meant for unsubscribing without being charged more than the usual tariff amount which is charged for delivering such actions. Alternatively you can click on this link and fill in the page to unsubscribe. Can I receive information about my saved data? You can ask about the extent, the origin and the recipients of the personally identifying data that gets saved. You may also query for which reason personally identifying data is being saved and request that this data be corrected, deleted and also limit the amount of your data that is processed by us. Your queries about these details are completely free of charge. Please send your written questions to the address listed below. Can I retract my permission for the use of my data? You can always retract your agreement to let us process your data as well as your agreement to let us use your personally identifying data. Please email info_ett_@sprachcaffe_dot_.com in order to do this. Updating our Privacy Policy We reserve the right to change our safety and data protection measures once this is required due to technological advances. In this case we will also update our privacy policy notices. Please be advised to familiarize yourself with all updated versions of our Privacy Policy. Data Protection Administrator and Complaints: In case you still have questions or concerns about the privacy policy, you can always contact our data protection administrator Simon Wismeth at the following address or details below: Simon Wismeth c/o Sprachcaffe Reisen GmbH
Gartenstraße 6 60594 Frankfurt Telephone: 0049 69 6109120
Email: privacy_ett_@sprachcaffe_dot_.com In case you have any complaints or questions, please contact the data protection administrator before taking further action. We will take care of resolving any issues that you have directly and to the best of our ability, as we take your satisfaction seriously. In the unlikely scenario that we are not able to take care of your particular concerns, you can then contact our county's responsible regulatory authority about complaints or queries you may have. You can find their contact details below: 東京都生活文化局 広報広聴部情報公開課
〒163-8001 東京都新宿区西新宿2-8-1
Website: www.metro.tokyo.jp/tosei/johokokai
Tel: 03-5388-3160 Company responsible for the Privacy Policy:
Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS
Alamein Road
St. Julians, Pembroke
PBK 1776 Malta Phone Number: 0035 621373574
Fax Machine: 0035 621373577
Email: malta_ett_@sprachcaffe_dot_.com