Spanish phrases for beginners

When we learn a language, the first thing we usually learn are the basic, everyday phrases that people use to communicate with each other. These are usually related to the weather, food, greetings, farewells and the day in general. Here you will find useful phrases that will help you get by more easily in Spanish, as you improve your everyday vocabulary. We are sure that more than one of the phrases you will find here will be useful for your Spanish learning and also if you are planning to travel to a Spanish-speaking country.


Learning basic Spanish phrases is the starting point for those who wish to master this language. These phrases are crucial for several reasons. First, they provide a solid foundation that allows beginners to communicate in everyday situations. Whether it's greeting someone, introducing oneself or asking simple questions, these phrases allow you to establish an initial connection with native Spanish speakers.

In addition, learning Spanish phrases is a fundamental step in understanding the grammatical structure and basic vocabulary of the language. By practicing these phrases, beginners become familiar with correct pronunciation and intonation, which helps them communicate more effectively as they progress in their learning.

Another important aspect is that Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and knowing some basic phrases is especially useful when traveling or interacting with people who speak it. This facilitates immersion in Spanish-speaking culture and can greatly enrich personal and professional experiences.

Spanish phrases for beginners

Spanish Phrases English Translation Spanish Phrases English Translation English Translation
1. Hola, ¿cómo estás? Hello, how are you? 16. ¿Cómo llego a [un lugar]? How do I get to [a place]?  
2. Me llamo [Tu nombre]. My name is [Your name]. 17. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? What is the weather like today?  
3. ¿Dónde vives? Where do you live? 18. Está soleado. It is sunny.  
4. Soy de [Tu país]. I'm from [Your country]. 19. Está lloviendo. It is raining.  
5. ¿Qué hora es? What time is it? 20. ¿Qué día es hoy? What day is it today?  
6. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? What is your favorite food? 21. Mañana es [día de la semana]. Tomorrow is [day of the week].  
7. ¿Puedes ayudarme, por favor? Can you help me, please? 22. Hoy es [día de la semana]. Today is [day of the week].  
8. Gracias. Thank you. 23. ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas? Do you have any brothers or sisters?  
9. Por favor. Please. 24. Tengo [número] hermanos/hermanas. I have [number] brothers/sisters.  
10. Sí. Yes. 25. ¿Dónde trabajas? Where do you work?  
11. No. No. 26. Trabajo en [nombre de la empresa]. I work at [name of company].  
12. Lo siento. I'm sorry. 27. ¿Te gusta la música? Do you like music?  
13. ¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you? 28. Me encanta la música. I love music.  
14. Tengo [tu edad] años. I am [your age] years old. 29. ¿Hablas español? Do you speak Spanish?  
15. ¿Dónde está el baño? Where is the bathroom? 30. Sí, hablo un poco de español. Yes, I speak a little Spanish.  

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Spanish texts for beginners

These texts are simple and are intended to help you practice and improve your understanding of the Spanish language. In addition, you will find an English translation so that you can better understand the meaning.

Text 1: Greeting

Spanish: Hola, ¿cómo estás?

English: Hello, how are you?

Text 2: Presentation

Spanish: Mi nombre es María. Soy de España. Tengo 25 años.

English: My name is María. I'm from Spain. I'm 25 years old.

Text 3: Description of a pet

Spanish: Tengo un perro. Se llama Max. Max es grande y peludo. Le gusta correr en el parque.

English: I have a dog. His name is Max. Max is big and furry. He likes to run in the park.

Text 4: Favorite food

Spanish: Me gusta la pizza. La pizza es deliciosa. Mi pizza favorita tiene queso y pepperoni.

English: I like pizza. Pizza is delicious. My favorite pizza has cheese and pepperoni.

Text 5: Weekend plans

Spanish: Este fin de semana, voy a la playa con mis amigos. Vamos a nadar y a hacer un picnic en la playa.

English: This weekend, I am going to the beach with my friends. We are going to swim and have a picnic at the beach.


We hope you find these texts useful for practicing your Spanish and improving your vocabulary.

In short, learning Spanish phrases for beginners is crucial for developing essential communication skills, understanding the structure of the language and enjoying effective communication in an increasingly globalized and diverse world. Therefore, these phrases are not only important, but also the first exciting step towards mastering Spanish.

If you have any questions or need more examples, don't hesitate to contact us - good luck with your Spanish learning!

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