Table of 100 important French verbs
On this page you will find a list of the most important and common verbs in the French language. For better learning, here are some tips that will surely help you learn them:
Repetition: Repeat the same words every day until you memorize them.
Context: Try to put the vocabulary into context by writing short sentences or texts that contain the words.
Flashcards: Use flashcards to practice vocabulary. Write the French word on the front and its translation on the back.
Oral expression: Practice pronouncing the vocabulary aloud.
Variety: Practice using vocabulary in different ways, e.g. in writing, speaking, in sentences, etc.
Integrate: Try to integrate the vocabulary into your daily life by using it in conversation or in writing.
Now is the time to learn the regular and irregular verbs in French. We wish you a lot of fun and good luck in learning!

List of French verbs from 1 to 50
English | French | English | French |
Be | être | Take | Prendre |
Have | Avoir | Show | Montrer |
Do | Faire | Hear | Entendre |
Say | Dire | Play | Jouer |
Go | Aller | Run | l Courir |
Make | Faire | Move | Bouger |
Know | Savoir | Live | Vivre |
Get | Obenir | Spend | Dépenser |
Think | Penser | Bring | Apporter |
See | Voir | Begin | Commencer |
Come | Venir | Hold | Tenir |
Look | Regarder | Write | Ecrire |
Want | Vouloir | Listen | Ecouter |
Give | Donner | Sit | S'asseoir |
Use | Utiliser | Set | Fixer |
Find | Trouver | Meet | Rencontrer |
Tell | Dire | Learn | Apprendre |
Ask | Demander | Keep | Garder |
Work | Travailler | Grow | Croître |
Seem | Sembler | Fly | Voler |
Feel | Sentir | Drive | Conduire |
Try | Essayer | Draw | Dessiner |
Leave | Quitter | Dance | Danser |
Call | Appeler | Cut | Couper |
Help | Aider | Cook | Cuisiner |
Effectively learn French vocabulary
Looking for more French vocabulary to learn? You will definitely find something here!
List of French verbs from 51 to 100
English | French | English | French |
Close | Fermer | Walk | Marcher |
Climb | Grimper | Annoy | Ennuyer |
Choose | Choisir | Rant | Râler |
Carry | Transporter | Throw | Lancer |
Build | Construire | Eat | Manger |
Break | Casser | Drink | Boire |
Book | Réserver | Like | Aimer |
Blow | Souffler | Dream | Rever |
Bite | Mordre | Hope | Espérer |
Bend | Courber | believe | Croire |
Become | Devenir | Talk | Parler |
Beat | Battre | Teach | Enseigner |
Bear | Produire | Struggle | Lutter |
Read | Lire | Travel | Voyage |
Reach | Atteindre | Fight | Se battre |
Pull | Tirer | Be able | Pouvoir |
Push | Pousser | Put | Mettre |
Open | Ouvrir | Find | Trouver |
Offer | Offrir | Laugh | Rire |
Need | Avoir besoin | Smile | Sourire |
Pay | Payer | Understand | Comprendre |
Pass | Passer | Die | Mourir |
Lose | Perdre | Stay | Rester |
Lead | Mener | Explain | Expliquer |
Jump | Sauter | Show | Montrer |
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