Difficult Spanish phrases and words with dialogues for advanced learners

You've been learning Spanish for a while and have a relatively good command of the basic vocabulary? Then it's time to take the next step in learning Spanish. With advanced Spanish skills, it's time not only to learn individual Spanish words, but also to get used to whole Spanish phrases and structures. This will make your Spanish sound more natural and native Spanish speakers will be able to understand you more easily. That's why we've put together a list of Spanish phrases and words for you. This way you can learn them and get familiar with them. So that you can understand the difficult Spanish phrases for advanced learners in context, we have included them in dialogues. You can find them at the end of our list of Spanish phrases.

Requirements for difficult Spanish phrases and words

For the following advanced important Spanish phrases and expressions, you should already have studied Spanish grammar for a while. You should have understood the Presente de Indicativo, the Indefinido and the Imperfecto. You should also have dealt with the condicional simple, the futuro simple and the gerundio. But even if your Spanish is not that advanced, you can still try to understand the following important Spanish expressions and phrases. Some of the phrases you will find below are also used in combination with the Spanish subjuntivo. So you should already have a good understanding of when the presente de subjuntivo is used and how to form it in Spanish.

Our list below contains important Spanish phrases and expressions that will help you use more natural Spanish in conversations with native Spanish speakers. They will also help you to add variety to your Spanish. You will get a more varied style of speaking in Spanish with these important Spanish phrases that everyone will want to listen to. Maybe you already know a Spanish word or two from our list, find out!

Are you still a Spanish beginner? Then check out our list of Spanish words for beginners!

Spanisch English
Yo en tu lugar ... If I were in your shoes...
Yo que tú ... If I were you...
Si yo fuera tú ... If I were you...
Te molestaría ... Would you mind...
Yo diría que ... I would say that...
Yo pensaría que ... I would think that...
¿Puedes hablar más despacio, por favor? Please speak more slowly.
¿A qué te dedicas? What do you do for a living?
¡Romper el hielo! Break the ice!
¡Ponerse como un tomate Turning red like a tomato
No me importa That is not important to me
Nos vemos al rato See you later
Que tengas un buen día Have a nice day
No te preocupes Do not worry
Lo que sea whatever
Estoy muy agradecido I am very grateful for this
Qué amable eres! How kind of you!
De ningún modo! No way
un par de horas a few hours
Deleitarse enjoy something
De ninguna manera not at all, not at all
Ni que + subjuntivo Neither is that ...
Bajo ningún concepto under no circumstances
No hay de qué You are welcome
Es hora de hacer algo It's time to do something
No me puedo quejar I cannot complain.
No podría estar mejor It could not be better
Me encantaría tener ... I would like to have ... have.
¡Me lo llevo! I'll take it!
Me da lo mismo I don't care.
Dudo que … I doubt that...
Learn Spanish in Cuba or Spain

Would you like to finally be able to speak Spanish fluently? Then immerse yourself in the Spanish language with our Spanish language trips to Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga or Cuba and perfect your Spanish there.

Spanish language trips to Spain

Spanish dialogues for advanced learners to practise Spanish phrases

The best way to learn new Spanish phrases and words is by example. That's why we've put some of the Spanish words you saw in the list above into Spanish dialogues for you. Take a look at the dialogues and use them to learn the new words.

Conversación en el trabajo

Jefe: ¿Cómo ha avanzado el proyecto?
Andrea: Ya estamos en la fase final, a lo mucho nos tardamos un día más.
Jefe: Perfecto, muéstrame algún avance.
Andrea: Por supuesto, estos dos artículos los terminamos la semana pasada, y el recibimiento del público ha sido muy bueno. ¡Estamos en el top 10 de las páginas más visitadas en Google!
Jefe: Buen trabajo, mañana continuamos con la presentación.

Conversation at the workplace

Chef: How has the project progressed?
Andrea: We are already in the final phase, we will need one more day at most.
Chef: Great, show me some progress.
Andrea: Of course, we finished these two articles last week and the response from the public has been very good, we are in the top 10 most visited pages on Google!
Chef: Good work, tomorrow we will continue with the presentation.

En una cita

Gabriela: ¡Hola, encantada de conocerte!
Felipe: El gusto es mío, qué guapa estás
Gabriela: ¿Gracias, comemos algo?
Felipe: Claro que sí. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
Gabriela: Me encanta la comida de mar.
Felipe: Perfecto, conozco el mejor lugar, y está a tan solo unas calles de aquí.
Gabriela: Vamos, seguro tienen comida deliciosa.

On a date

Gabriela: Hello, nice to meet you!
Felipe: It's a pleasure, you look very beautiful!
Gabriela: Thank you, shall we eat something?
Felipe: Sure, what's your favourite food?
Gabriela: I love seafood.
Felipe: Perfect, I know the best place and it's only a few blocks from here.
Gabriela: Let's go, I'm sure they have delicious food.

Reunión familiar en navidad

Tío Pablo: Qué gusto tenerlos a todos reunidos esta noche.
Abuela Rosalba: Estoy muy contenta, les he preparado a todos mis mejores recetas navideñas, espero se deleiten.
Pequeño Javier: ¡Sí! ¡Ya quiero probar tus buñuelos abuela, son los más deliciosos del mundo!
Prima Angélica: Claro que sí, comamos juntos pero sin olvidar dar las gracias y cantar los villancicos familiares.
Pequeña Daniela: ¿Y cuándo vamos a abrir los regalos? Estoy esperando mi muñeca que le pedí a Papá Noel.
Mamá Camila: Tranquila hija, los regalos se abren a medianoche, todavía tienes que esperar un par de horas para el gran momento.

At the family reunion for Christmas

Uncle Pablo: What a pleasure to have you all here tonight.
Grandma Rosalba: I am very happy, I have prepared my best Christmas recipes for you all, I hope you like them.
Little Javier: Yes, I already want to try your doughnuts, Grandma, they are the most delicious in the world!
Cousin Angelica: Of course we eat together, but we shouldn't forget to say thank you and sing the family songs.
Little Daniela: And when do we open the presents? I'm waiting for my doll that I asked Santa for.
Mama Camila: Don't worry, the presents will be opened at midnight, you have to wait a few more hours for the big moment.

Conclusion: Learn Spanish phrases and get more natural Spanish

If you already have an advanced knowledge of Spanish, it becomes more and more difficult to specifically improve your Spanish. Of course, you can read Spanish books, watch series and films in Spanish and generally immerse yourself in the Spanish language. To improve your Spanish as an advanced student, you can continue to improve your grammar skills or learn difficult Spanish words and phrases. You can use these immediately in dialogues and your Spanish will improve and become more natural in no time.

Would you like to improve your Spanish efficiently and perhaps even make friends with native Spanish speakers and other international people? Then a Spanish language trip to Cuba or Spain is perfect for you. Improve your Spanish together with like-minded people in Havana, Málaga, Barcelona or Madrid and spend a fantastic holiday at the same time.