Sprachcaffe Magazine: Your travel blog for adventure travel and culture

Words of the Week - Sprachcaffe
Here is a colourful compilation of our Words of the Week #SCwordoftheweek. You will find a diverse collection of phrases showing you that languages are full of surprises: Some concepts, situations or emotions are difficult to put into word. A Polish person might spend 15 minutes explaining how it felt to be in a particular place, while a Japanese or Swedish person might use only one single word. It is easy to get lost into translation, take this…
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When moving to a new city or simply traveling with friends, looking for fun new adventures and out-of-the-box ideas can sometimes be hard work. One common way of meeting interesting and unique people from all over the world is to use Meetup groups. These are users-created groups which are grounded on topics ranging from language learning to extreme sports, travel groups or even knitting. Meetups are truly a great way to put yourself out there and…
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Cultural facts and traditions around the world
Living abroad does not only require learning a new language, but also adapting to a foreign culture. Each culture have its customs and traditions which can be very different- even shocking- from your own culture. In this article we are going to describe some traditions and customs from various countries which may provide you with food for thought!
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Online Resources to learn German
This is a comprehensive list of German language learning resources. It is designed to be a one-stop shop for everything you need to learn German- dictionaries, learning software, links to German language movies, radio, podcasts and much more.
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Travel Tips for Budgeting Abroad
Whether you are traveling to the next town or the next continent, for a week or for a year – we have proven that your time away does not have to break the bank! While traveling abroad is said to be an expensive undertaking there are ways to make your money go further without skimping on the adventure of your lifetime! We have compiled 10 of the most effective budgeting tips that will not only enhance your experience but will also save you the…
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Do you love flamenco and tapas? Would you like to relax all day long along the Mediterranean? Then maybe you would like to learn some basic phrases of the Spanish language to feel like a native when you speak with local people and to make you feel like a Spanish son of the Mediterranean! It would be better than keeping to your “Hola, una cerveza, por favor”…!
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Download mobile apps for your phone
Two main reasons why people don’t learn a new language are the following: “It’s too expensive, I can’t afford courses” or “I don’t have time, I am working”. These are excuses that are not relevant in the 21st century! We are surrounded by new technology that improves constantly… Learning online is one thing, but learning everyday on a convenient tool as your phone makes learning anywhere possible; it’s a must for language learners!
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You would like to try speaking German because you know how to say "Guten Morgen" and "Auf Wiedersehen"? That could be useful for a start but you will soon need a few other tips! Here we give you the opportunity to survive this German adventure and sound like a native when speaking to German people: German vocabulary, idiomatic phrases, common language… Saying hello, meeting someone, greeting a person for his birthday…you will be able to deal with…
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Travelling abroad is considered a rite of passage for many young adults. The first step towards their independence, their freedom and the start of a new and exciting love affair with the world at large! With so many interesting places around the world and an overwhelming variety of directions to pursue – discovering the world’s hidden gems and gaining valuable life experience is as simple as one, two and three. Whether you are looking at…
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Creative pictures - Travel photography
So you got a brand new camera for your next trip around the world and now you want to know what you can do with it. In this article we will give you 10 easy ideas of how you can create beautiful and creative pictures while on your next holidays. We'll take a look at some basic methods and some more advanced techniques to create beautiful images.
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